Optimum Health

Live a healthy and fulfilled life.

Why Choose Us?

Optimum health ja. Is created by a genuine passion for herbs, healing and an appreciation for nature.

Born and raised in the garden parish of Jamaica west indies, Keneisha Webb has been destined from a young age to pursue the divine plan of her life to be a holistic practitioner and iridologist.

After being certified by the Institute of holistic nutrition she decided to go back to her home land and open up her own practice in Jamaica

On July 5, 2015, she was blessed to being the only person to have introduced the great renowned Dr. Sebi to Jamaica. She gained a tremendous amount of herbal wisdom from him and influenced her to not only to harvest and reap the alkaline herbs herself, process and combined the herbal compounds which are all passed by the bureau of standards of Jamaica.

A very huge amount of clients and customers have all talked positively and highly of her 21 days nutritional protocols , healing herbal compounds for different ailments and spiritual tools (crystals , books and herbal sachets) to be sought after by anyone who needs healing on all levels; physical, emotional and spiritual.